antarctica: 100-days of darkness

Day Eighty-Three

It was overcast and a bit snowy today, but the blue was in full force. It is wild to step outside and see something other than darkness. It also feels like it happened so fast. Dark one day, civil twilight the next. I’ve started imagining what it will be like to be back in 24 hour daylight for the final two months of my winter season and it is kind of daunting. It honestly gives me a mix of emotions. While the darkness has been trying at times, it has been cozy. I think the biggest struggle for me has been motivation. I don’t know if that is the lack of sunlight, fresh food or the daily grind of the repetitious routine…it’s almost impossible to narrow it down so I continually resolve that it’s a combination of all of the above.

The dorm building I am moving into in the near future is in the process of being de-winterized, so that looms on the horizon. I’ve been in the same room the entire time I’ve been down here, but if I stay in it I risk getting roommates during WinFly which is less than two weeks away. The move allows me to have a trial run at packing for my mid-October departure and also ensures I’ll have my own room for the rest of my time here.

I didn’t do much with my day off, not that there is much to do anyways. I did make it to the gerbil gym again and also did my daily Yoga with Adriene this evening too-the streak continues. I also went to the big gym this evening and played pickle ball with my friend Marty. That was fun and I am glad I went. I

haven’t been writing my to-do lists for some time now, so I decided to start that back up. I’m hopeful that the checking things off even when it’s not necessary to have a list, will summon up the motivation again. There are things I’ve procrastinated on, updating my resume, adding pages to my website, a creative writing entry for a competition whose deadline is approaching, a cute little cross stitching project…all things I want to do, but end up sleeping and scrolling in my limited free time instead. They are all down on the list, pen-to-paper, waiting to be crossed off now.

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