antarctica: 100-days of darkness

Day Eighty-One

Hello August! Moment of truth-I haven’t been to the gerbil gym in at least a month and a half. I am, and have been, acutely aware that in not working out, my mood be suffering. Along with the cold, dark days. The endless repetition…all contributing factors to a month(ish) of funk.

But, it’s August. New month, new(ish) me. I woke up and did my morning yoga routine…which I also haven’t done in a month and a half. Then headed to the store for a chilly bev pull followed by a productive day mostly in the stock room of the store getting things organized and ready for WinFly…only two more weeks till new (and some old) faces. After that it was a trip to the gerbil gym, followed by a shower, dinner and the store again.

This evening I started a 30-day Yoga with Adriene challenge. The theme is Center which seems fitting. Back into a healthier routine, getting centered. Random note: Last night, as I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I looked down at my legs and realized how white I am. Almost translucent. It’s impressive. I might even glow in the dark.

Speaking of dark, we have twilight now for about two hours in the afternoon. It’s still dark out there for sure, but for those two hours there is the faintest light and on a clear day it brings beautiful hues of red, purple, blue and orange in the distance looking past Hut Point. For a brief period of time, today was one of those clear days and I could even see the outline of the mountains across the sea ice. I saw the mountain outline a couple of days ago as well. It does make me wonder if just that faint amount of light and seeing the outline of the mountains has put just a little more pep in my step. Me thinks it does. That feeling of impending doom has lifted and I am looking forward to things again. Wahoo.

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