antarctica: 100-days of darkness

Day Seventy-Eight

It’s my second day off (we get one two-day weekend a month) and I did not hurkle durkle today. I was going to-that was the plan as of yesterday, but I checked my email before I went to sleep and there was news in my inbox. There was a break in the weather which allowed for the Castle Rock loop trip to get bumped up to today. So I set an alarm for earlier than I’d get up on a workday and went to sleep. When the alarm went off, I turned it off and rolled back over.

I woke up sans alarm with 40 minutes until the trip started, so I jumped out of bed, put on all my cold weather gear and headed downstairs. I had to stop by the store to check on progress of the dreaded QuickBooks update. Thirty-six hours after starting it for the third or fourth time, it was finally complete. Success. I quickly got things in order for Khani, my friend who runs the store for me on my two day weekends and then I hustled across town to the Berg Field Center (BFC), the starting point for the morning adventure.

When I entered the BFC it was empty aside from its normal worker bees. I pulled my phone out and looked at the email from the night before and realized the start time had been pushed back to 9:30AM. This ended up being a good thing because I remembered on my way over to the BFC that I hadn’t submitted the bartenders timecards for the past week, a task that I am supposed to complete on Friday mornings. So with the extra bit of time I schlepped back across town to the store and completed the timecards.

I still had time to spare so I decided to quickly put some laundry on. This proved to be a great idea. Last week when I was putting my laundry away, I realized I was missing a sock. Sad face. Not just any old sock either, a Darn Tough sock, one of which is a $12 sock and a sock for life. The saga of the missing sock ate at me all week-how does this happen? Where do all the lost socks go? I’d prided myself on not losing anything (except maybe part of my sanity) since I’ve been down here, so to lose a coveted Darn Tough sock was a real dilemma. I checked the lost & found and the laundry room daily in the hopes that it would make its way back to me and its match, but no avail.

It was suggested that I make a color copy of the sock I still had in my possession and post the SOS on our community board. I came close to doing this, but also recognized that if I saw said flyer, I’d make a copy of the color sock in the flyer, cut it out and attach it to the original flyer. I didn’t want to be the victim of such tom foolery, so I waited, impatiently, to see if it turned up on its own. Patience for the win. I put my laundry on and as I was measuring the soap out, I saw my lost gray sock had appeared on the shelf with the soap. Never lose hope.

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