antarctica: 100-days of darkness

Day Seventy-Six

This is a little late. I am in a rut for the words. The rinse and repeat cycle is in full swing. It’s my day off and I am lounging as usual. I went down to the galley five minutes before lunch ended to grab a plate of food. I wore a ball cap since I pretty much rolled out of bed to go down there. I usually wear a ball cap on my day off in an effort to avoid peopling. It’s usually pretty quiet those last five minutes of lunch service, but today it was kind of busy and I saw a few people do a double take at me. In sweats and a ball cap, they said I was almost unrecognizable and I said that’s the point.

I am not alone in the day-off effort to not people. I see others doing it on Sundays…when I stop by the galley to make a cup of tea between meal services and someone is in the deli making a sandwich, that is a telltale sign that they are avoiding general population. I guess hibernation is truly a symptom of wintering.

So far the highlight of the day was my first cup of coffee which I made in my room with my kettle. I had a couple sachets of Starbucks instant coffee (treat!) and no lie, it was so delicious. I’m not a coffee snob either, I’ll drink instant coffee or 7-11 brew and enjoy them just as much as a Starbucks or some other foo-foo coffee. No discriminating as long as it doesn’t taste like watered down trash water. Frothy coffee for the win.

There are things that I could do, but most likely won’t. Motivation is low. I could update my resume, write a short story for a competition I’m (eventually) going to enter, go to the gym, cross stitch, read…there are things to be done, but I am in that rut of not wanting to do anything. Which I am kind of okay with. When I feel gross enough, I’ll do the things.

One response to “Day Seventy-Six”

  1. Awww. Hugs to you. Only three more weeks of this funk. 🥰🥰🥰


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