antarctica: 100-days of darkness

Day Seventy-Four

Ain’t got no words today. I slept in til the last possible moment of being able to get any work done that needed to be completed before the store opened. I grabbed a very quick lunch. The topic of discussion at the lunch table was the weekend premier of the Barbie & Oppenheimer films, neither of which anyone down here saw-for obvious reasons, but I am sure we will eventually…when we return to the non frozen world.

After lunch, I opened the store for an hour and a half. It was pretty busy in part because the store is closed Monday evenings, so the lunch hour is typically busy on Monday’s, but also because I put out new Nalgenes and insulated coffee mugs both with the USAP logo stamped on them. To give you an idea of the rationing that I have to abide by. 544 Nalgenes arrived on vessel this year, of which I am allowed to sell 82. There are 144 of us here on station for the winter and there will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 1100 people during the upcoming summer season. The items that come on vessel supply both the winter and summer population. Nalgene’s are a hot commodity. Half as many travel mugs were ordered so those numbers are split. Pretty crazy.

After I shut the store up for the day, I finished some paperwork in the office before heading over to Gallaghers to restock the bar. Then I showered, and after that I did a little reading and scrolling before dinner. I went to dinner only to make a plate of food for after yoga. Yoga was a small group this evening and next week is the last class before the first WinFly fight arrives, so it’s likely the last class of the season. After yoga, I ate my dinner which was curry over wild rice, while I watched a documentary on the famous A Course in Miracles.

And that’s about it. Tomorrow morning is a redo of last week’s attempted Hagglund trip to check the flags and apple shelters on the Castle Rock loop. I’ll be getting up early to stop by the store and see if the dreaded QuickBooks update ran overnight. Fingers crossed it finishes as this is the third overnight attempt.

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