antarctica: 100-days of darkness

Day Seventy-Three

The extra cold, cold streak continues. We dipped in and out of a condition two today. It was -31F and with the wind chill -59F. My face was pretty much instantly wind burned when I stepped outside. Brrrr. When it is this cold out it’s typically pretty chilly inside too. I had a space heater running in the store all day but my fingers and toes were tingling on and off. On a good note, I am all done with my second round of Prednisone for my back and it’s feeling good so far. There won’t be a bev pull this week either, since we did a double pull last week, so no temptation to help lift on Tuesday, which is what usually gets me.

Big news on station today: it’s Christmas in July! Our amazing galley team transformed the galley into a Christmas wonderland overnight. We showed up to Sunday brunch this morning and it was exactly like Christmas threw up all over the galley. Christmas decor, including a tree. A special carving station, eggnog creme puffs, hot chocolate on demand. My favorite: baked brie. Yum Yum Yum. Many McMurdans were decked out with Christmas attire and the Christmas tunes were blasting. I had The Pogues Fairy Tale of New York on and then a playlist recommended off that.

But what I am most excited about is what’s to come this evening. Back at regular Christmas I called my Dad to have him help me with a childhood memory I was stuck on. Way back when, when I was just a wee lil lass, I used to watch this Christmas movie and at regular Christmas I had a memory bubble around it, but for life of me I couldn’t remember what the movie was. So I called my Papa Bear and gave him these clues: Christmas movie, John Denver, Billings, Colorado…he instantly nailed it, John Denver’s Christmas Story.

Months later, when the last flight of the season came and went and my final round of mail was delivered to me. In it, a surprise package from Dad-the John Denver Christmas Story DVD. It’s been sitting in my room unwatched and waiting for the right moment…and here it is, Christmas in July! I can’t wait to watch it and take a trip down memory lane.

Merry Crimbo Ya’ll!

One response to “Day Seventy-Three”

  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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